They work with herbs
and penicillin.
They work with gentleness
and the scalpel.
They dig out the cancer,
close an incision
and say a prayer
to the poverty of the skin.
They are not Gods
though they would like to be;
they are only human
trying to fix up a human.
Many humans die.
They die like the tender,
palpitating berries
in November.
But all along the doctors remember
On this day..
- 小丑亦凡人:小丑│Todd Phillips - 2019
- 因為殘酷,所以美麗:華萊士人魚│岩井俊二 - 2013
- 著魔/土屋隆夫 - 2006
- 2002 隱地/隱地 - 2005
- 刺青殺人事件/高木彬光 - 2005